
• monitoring changes in the EU and national regulations, particularly in the area of ​​rules and principles interpretation determined for the energy common market establishment, TPA rules harmonization and REMIT requirements
• legal analysis of selected conditions in the gas market functioning regards to the national rules and its proper application or implementation directory in accordance with the EU and international regulations
• procedures and requirements for obtaining appropriate licenses and permits, enforcement of the regulatory obligations and obtaining the appropriate exemptions in this area
• preparation and application of tariffs and compatibility with the regulations in force and the intended changes
• public aid for energy industry and conditions of the support system of functioning, Including inter alia: certificates, certificates of origin and other directional forms of support (for example a cold reserve or power market) obtaining or providing the opinion on conditions of obtaining the support measures along with financial assistance instruments or the state guarantees and its analysis and notification before the national or EU competent authorities
• conducting the proceedings or legal representation before the Energy Regulatory Office, the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, courts and public authorities.

• compliance rules development in the company or the capital group through the Implementation of the laws, rules and principles of internal proceedings, including the specifics of the company’s activities in the following areas:
• rules of conduct between the employees (internal ethic codes, proceedings, internal conflicts and preventing frauds)
• the company’s business principles on the market (energy regulation compliance, fair competition, established standards and widely understood principles of confidentiality)
• rules of conduct in relations with business partners (strategies and purchase policies, verification and risk assessment, transparent rules of contracting and cooperation with business partners, conflicts of interest avoidance and prevention)
• proceeding rules on relations with counterparties (strategies and purchasing policies, counterparty’s risk verification and evaluation, transparent rules of contracting and counterparties cooperation, conflicts of interests avoidance and prevention
• rules of intern information circulation and communication
• monitoring the observance of internal procedures and external control requirements
• supervision on the proper implementation directory of the internal rules as well as training and educational activities

• for the gas, including delegated regulation 715/2009 and later amendments in terms of NC CMP, CAM, BAL, INT, TAR and other (projects or codes in force)
• for the electricity, including delegated regulation 714/2009 and later amendments in terms of NC CACM, FCA, RFG, DCC, HVDC, OS, OP & S, LFC & R, BAL and other
• regulatory framework opinion on conducting the activities in terms of unbundling, TPA (Third Party Access) and right to change the vendor (switching)

• support in the preparations and consulting instruction changes (transmission or distribution), whereas TPA rules harmonization, market integration and amendments required in the rules of the operator functioning in new controllers conditions

• support in the preparation of the tariff requests (transmission, distribution and other) taking into account amendments required in the rules of the operator and regulators functioning requirement in the methodology of reasonable costs (cost-based analysis, marginal cost – LRMC, SRMC, CBA and other)

• current issues of labor and employmenttax and corporate advisory and conducted related with the operational and trading activity upon the requirements and responsibilities resulting from the energy regulation area (national and EU)
• energy wealth managementantitrust and transaction advisory, particularly due to the restructuring processes and capital changes related to the energy market integration or liberalisation

•  current legal advisory in the area of ​​energy law with the legal representation in the proceedings and conducted on behalf of the operator (several hundred civil and administrative proceedings throughout the whole country in terms of property dispute, particularly transmission easement, non-contractual use, requests this establish the transmission easement, claims for payment, summons and other compromise is in the range of administrative decisions on the investment process stage
• analysis of the feasibility study for the installation polish across the whole territory of electronic metering devices with feedback transmission (smart metering) and legal analysis on feasibility of the project Including the right to the ownership of metering devices, legal separation possibility for an Independent Metering Operator and the usage of metering devices with the feedback transmission
• comprehensive analysis of the regulatory conditions of trading and settlement in the media sectors: water, gas, electricity and heat, with separation of energy and heat sector obtained from the renewable power sources in the range of Independent Metering Operator services and usage of metering devices with feedback transmission
• guidelines for a financial mechanism associated with financial establishment collateral for conducting the business activity focused on the underground storage of carbon dioxide (CCS)
•  legal support in the area of ​​EU regulations on the gas sector (directive 2009/73, 2009/72 directive, the delegated Regulation 714/2009, the delegated Regulation 715/2009, REMIT, delegated Regulation 994/2010, etc.), dozens of analysis on the EU legal requirements of various issues
•  analysis on the controllers conditions on the cross-border uniting (dozen of operators in the EU) of the operator’s activities within the merger model on selected activities and functions, joint venture establishment, Including the notification process support before antitrust (European Commission or national organs ) organs regulators (ACER, ENTSO (E) / (G) or national regulators) within tariffing or reasonable costs
• analysis on the regulatory conditions for possibility on combining activities or functions within the combined operator model in terms of unbundling, tariffing or reasonable costs
• legal analysis preparation due on offer to the public procurement proceeding for the requested reduction on the transmission system operator command
• analysis on the controllers conditions on the ability of cold reserve functioning within the aspects, including the support in the notification process before the antitrust organs (national organs) or regulators (national regulator) due to the activity separation, tariffing, prohibition of cross- subsidization and reasonable costs
•  legal analysis related with the operator’s responsibilities under national and EU regulations, participation in the gas law consultations
• analysis on DNOs separation in legal aspects, including the legal risk analysis of each conception
• legal analysis on the demand – response services development in Poland
• legal analysis on the DNOs activities of large facilities
• analysis and submitting comments on the TNC and the DNC projects

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