• legal support in public / private law proceedings (including legal representation)
• tax and corporate advisory support and conducted related with the operational and trading activity in terms of energy asset management upon the requirements and responsibilities resulting from the energy regulation area (national and EU), Including the accounting, legal and management chapters as well as regulated costs related with the asset and operational activity
• energy wealth management, antitrust and transaction advisory, particulary due to the restructuring processes and capital changes related to the energy market integration or liberalisation
• current legal advisory in the area of energy law with the legal representation in the proceedings and conducted on behalf of the operator (several hundred civil and administrative proceedings throughout the whole country in terms of property dispute, particularly transmission easement, non-contractual use, requests this establish the transmission easement, claims for payment, summons and other compromise is in the range of administrative decisions on the investment process stage
• analysis of the feasibility study for the installation polish across the whole territory of electronic metering devices with feedback transmission (smart metering) and legal analysis on feasibility of the project including the right to the ownership of metering devices, legal separation possibility for an Independent Metering Operator and the usage of metering devices with the feedback transmission
• comprehensive analysis of the regulatory conditions of trading and settlement in the media sectors: water, gas, electricity and heat, with separation of energy and heat sector obtained from the renewable energy sources in the range of Independent Metering Operator services and usage of metering devices with feedback transmission
• guidelines for the establishment and financial mechanism associated with financial collateral for conducting the business activity focused on the underground storage of carbon dioxide (CCS)
• regulators conditions of the LNG or CNG purchase the meeting, including the logistics at the macro (through the LNG terminal) or micro (small LNG) level
• an analysis of the legal and fiscal surroundings related with the compressed natural gas (CNG) and the legal advisoryfor the agreements in this matter
• analysis on the controllers conditions on the cross-border uniting (dozen of operators in the EU) of the operator’s activities within the merger on the model selected activities and functions, joint venture establishment, including the tariffing or reasonable costs
• analysis on the regulatory conditions for possibility on combining activities or functions within the combined operator model in terms of unbundling, tariffing or reasonable costs
• analysis on the controllers conditions on the ability of cold reserve functioning within the aspects, including the support in the notification process before the antitrust organs (national organs) or regulators (national regulator) due to the activity separation, tariffing, prohibition of cross- subsidization and reasonable costs
• legal advisory related with new technology purchase (including the analysis of legal status, the subject matter of transaction, drawing up the letters of intent, confidentiality agreement, and technology sales agreement draft). Legal status of specialties status of the vehicle shares the intended purchase analysis is managing the implementation directory of new technologies (due diligence, drawing up shares sales agreement)
• conception of selling the new technology property rights at the asian market, including the key assumptions of a transaction and risks connected
• legal advisory on the gas project construction unit that produce electricity (CHP) in the project finance mode, including formation of the special purpose vehicle (SPV) and related contracts (drawing up the letter of intent, interim agreement, confidentiality agreement, analysis of the other in legal aspects)