We offer legal assistance in antitrust proceedings and issues related with the competition law and consumers.
In particular we focus on the following areas:
• conditions of conducting the economic activity in relation with the competition rules,
• conditions of conducting the economic activity for the sale or provision of services to consumers,
• determinants of changes in equity (mergers and acquisitions, restructuration or transaction) for the required notification to the competent national or EU authorities,
• combating unfair competition,
• prevention of unfair market practices.
We provide legal advisory and represent our clients in the abovementioned matters before the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (OCCP) and antitrust court or before the competition authorities at European Union or states level . We provide legal analyzes concerning the conduction of their economic activity in compliance with applicable regulations and practices of the antitrust authorities.
Legal Partner lawyers have built their experience among:
• conducting proceedings before the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection in the field of practices infringing collective consumer interests, including those related with the obligations to provide consumers with reliable, truthful and complete information in the calls for payment, included in the use patterns of the provisions listed in the register of the provisions considered abusive practices,
• conducting proceedings before the President of the Energy Regulatory Office in disputes in the event of unjustified suspension of electricity supply and inquiries concerning billing complaints,
• analysis of the regulatory framework of cross-border (several operators in the EU) combining operators business within the model of combining some functions or activities, the creation of joint ventures, including support in the process of notification before competition authorities (European Commission and national authorities) or regulators (ACER, ENTSO(E) or (G) or national controller) in terms of pricing and justified costs,
• analysis of the regulatory framework of the functionality of the cold reserve for aspects of this support in the process of notification before competition authorities (national) or regulatory (national regulator) in terms of the separation of activities, pricing, prohibition of cross-subsidization and reasonable costs.